Latin Anethum graveolens
Bred in Denmark, Dukat dill is a wonderfully sweet and mellow variety of dill. Add this wonderful culinary herb to your favorite dishes and wow your family or friends. Sprinkle the fresh leaves over fish, steamed vegetables, sliced tomatoes or make your own fresh dressings. Use the more pungent seed heads for making your own pickles too. Dukat Dill is known to never be bitter or too pungent. Can be used fresh or dried. Bears an abundance of foliage giving flavor for a full season. The Dukat variety is know to be one of the shorter dill varieties, maturing to a height of approximately 24".
Growing dill in your garden will also attract beneficial predatory insects such as lady beetles, lacewings parasitoid wasps and hover flies. These insects will help control pests such as aphids, thrips, whitefly and cabbage moths. Grow dill in full sun for best results. Can be grown in large containers if space is an issue. Full maturity is reached in 60-70 days.
50+ seeds per pack