Latin gazania rigens
The huge 4 1/2" red/orange blooms on the Big Kiss™ variety are absolutely stunning and will be the showstopper of your flower garden or border edge. This variety is known for its nicely mounded habit and excellent heat tolerance. Blooms will last long throughout the summer and can be planted into pots or directly into the garden space. The Big Kiss variety grows to a mature height of 10-12". Gazanias are excellent for dry, windy areas that are in direct hot sun.
Growing Gazanias from seed is moderately challenging with varieties that take longer to flower like the Big Kiss varieties. These must be started quite early (mid-February-late March) to have substantial flowers by July. Sow seeds deep (1") because Gazanias require darkness for germination. They can also be placed into darkness for the germination period of 7-14 days. Keep temperatures cool (60° F) during this period. Grow on at slightly higher day temperatures and cooler nights. Basements with grow lights are the best locations to achieve the overall cooler temperatures required to grow Gazanias. Once hardened off, plant into a full sun location.
10+ Seeds Per Pack