Latin viola cornuta
Perennial - Zone 3-10
These pansy like plants are also known as Johnny Jump Ups. They are a hardy, albeit short-lived perennial. Thankfully they re-seed prolifically and will become a mainstay in your perennial garden. The thing that I enjoy the most about these is that they flower early and stay late in the gardening season. They are a welcome sight after a long cold winter. These multi-coloured beauties will thrive in both sun and partial shade and mature to a height of 6-12". As an added bonus, they are tolerant of heat, cold and drought. What's not to love?
Growing violas is a easy process and can be done by either starting early or directly sowing them. If starting early, sow 1/8" deep in a soilless medium approximately 10 weeks before last frost. Whether starting indoors or outside ensure that you cover the seeds as they require darkness to germinate. Starting outside can be done in either spring or fall. They are tolerant of light frost so feel free to start fairly early.
50+ Seeds Per Pack