Latin Solanum lycopersicum
The Sweetie Tomato is the sweetest tomato you will grow this year. The semi-determinate and highly productive nature of this plant will mean you will want to stake it to maximize your crop. The fruit load is enough to pull this variety down. Small 1" tomatoes will grow in clusters on long branches. This variety is great for eating fresh or for canning as there will be no need to add any sugar. Try this open-pollinated variety this year instead of a hybrid. You won't be disappointed.
Growing tomatoes from seed is relatively easy. You will want to start 6-8 weeks early to give them enough time. It is easy to get excited and start even earlier but e careful not to start much earlier. For many people it becomes challenging to maintain tomatoes (and most full sun vegetables) indoors without professional grow lights. Start these in peat pellets or a soilless medium. Tomatoes can be transplanted easily so I usually grow mine in an open flat and use bottom heat during germination. Once they are 4-5" tall, I will transplant them individually into their pot that they will stay in until transplanting outdoors. It is important to maintain consistent moisture throughout the summer for tomatoes. This will prevent most tomato issues like cracking, irregular growth, and blossom end rot. Using straw or mulch around the base can help conserve soil moisture levels. Matures in 50-80 days.
10+ Seeds Per Pack