Latin echinacea purpurea
Perennial - Zone 3
This is one of our most popular perennials we offer. A hardy and reliable white petaled version of the common purple echinacea. Holding all of the popular characteristics of its cousin, the white coneflower is a great addition to your perennial garden. Attractive to all types of pollinators, this flower is a beautiful and beneficial addition. Echinacea delivers a late season flower that is much needed for pollinators to survive the coming winter. Great as a cut flower in your home. Hardy to Zone 3.
This easy to grow from seed perennial can be started indoors or directly sowed into the garden. If starting indoors, start before the beginning of March and use bottom heat to improve speed of germination. Coneflower needs stratification to germinate reliably so starting directly in your garden may be the preferred methodology. In this case sow seeds near the end of fall, all the way up to frost. Germination can be slow in some seasons so be patient. Echinacea grows best in full sun but they can tolerate light shade. They are best in well draining soil as they do not like wet feet. The plus side to this is that they are more tolerant of heat and drought than many perennials. Coneflower will need a season to develop before it will flower but once it does you will not be disappointed.
30+ Seeds Per Pack