Latin tanacetum coccineum
Perennial - Zone 5
The Painted Daisy is one of my favourite splashes of colour in a perennial garden. The white, rose to almost neon pink flower petals are a show-stopper. The spring/summer blooms are a welcome sight before other perennials and annuals begin blooming. The flowers are a traditional single daisy-like flower that is great as a cut flower or dried. These daisies are tolerant of poor fertility soils but need it to be well draining as they struggle in highly compacted soil. Hardy to Zone 5.
Painted Daisies can be grown early indoors or directly sown into your flower beds. If starting early, sow up to 10 weeks before last frost in a soilless mixture. Ensure that you sufficiently "harden off" before placing in direct sunlight. Sowing directly into the garden has shown to improve "hardiness" of plants and can be done mid-summer. Ensure that adequate moisture is applied during the germination period. Plant in full sun for best results.
30+ Seeds Per Pack