Latin cucurbita maxima
Known as one of the largest varieties available, this giant pumpkin has grown to over 1000lbs. In fact, the new world record for 2020 is 2624.6lbs! This variety was first developed by Mr. Howard Dill in 1979. At that time he beat a 75 year old record by growing a 470lb pumpkin. Since then, the record has been consistently beat year after year with this same variety.
Growing pumpkins (especially 1,000 pounders) requires long sunny days, organically rich soil and even moisture levels. They will also command a large portion of your garden so be prepared to give them room to grow. Start 3-4 weeks before last frost. Alternatively, you can easily direct sow pumpkin seeds but this variety needs such a long season that you must have the climate for it. Full maturity takes up to 130 days.
Why not grow the next award winner and get your name in the Guinness Book of World Records?
10+ Seeds Per Pack