Latin leucanthemum x superbum
Perennial - Zone 4
The classic Shasta daisy is a staple of any perennial garden. Reliably beautiful and hardy, makes chrysanthemum a great addition to any garden. The Arctic Snow variety is compact, upright and well branched. Flowering time is earlier than most varieties and continues throughout the growing season.
Chrysanthemum can be started both indoors and outdoors. If starting indoors, begin 8-12 weeks before last frost and sow seeds by lightly pressing against soil. Chrysanthemum requires light for germination so do not cover. Do not use a heating mat as mums like cooler temperatures during germination. If starting outdoors, spring or fall sowing when soil temperatures are cooler is recommended. Maintain moisture throughout the germination period. Grow in full sun for best results.
20+ Seeds Per Pack