Latin phaseolus vulgaris
The Provider Green Bean is one of the most sought after beans for the home garden. The mix of full flavour, high yields and dependability make this the perfect choice for your garden. This bush style bean will provide a bountiful crop of 5-6" green bean pods. These pods are excellent for freezing and canning. Here at Pangea they rarely make it to that stage as we eat them fresh almost daily throughout the growing season. The Provider variety is known for its high resistance to powdery mildew and bean mosaic virus.
Growing beans from seed is very easy. Direct sow beans into the garden once all risk of frost has passed. Best results will come from planting when soil temperatures have exceeded 16 degrees Celsius. Planting when soil temperatures are cooler will result in poor or no germination. Space seeds 2" apart and plant 1" deep. Using a garden inoculant may increase yields, especially in the first years. Matures in 50 days.
25+ Seeds Per Pack