Latin antirrhinum majus
The majestically flowered spikes of the Rocket series has won them the coveted AAS award, and rightfully so. This F1 hybrid mixture will give the best of all worlds with flowers that are red, yellow, pink and orange. Flower spikes mature to a height of 36" and make excellent cut flowers. Avoid high wind areas with this tall variety. Plant in full sun.
Growing snapdragons is relatively easy. We recommend freezing your seeds for 48 hours before sowing. If starting early, pre-wet your soilless mixture and press in seeds but do not cover. The seeds are tiny and will need to be handled carefully for an even spread. Cover flats with plastic and germinate at room temperature. This can be started anywhere from early March to late April. You can also directly sow snapdragons for fall blooms.
30+ Seeds Per Pack