Latin pisum sativum
Tender Sweet Snap Pea is a dwarf variety of snap peas that does not require trellising. Tender Sweet pea vines will rarely get larger than 20" tall. If desired you can still trellis them to make harvest a little easier. This variety is also string-less and very crisp. You will love how sweet and crisp these are when picked right off the vine.
Because of its small stature you can also grow this variety in containers quite readily. four or five plants in a container will 'hold' themselves up nicely. Ensure they are planting in full sun and given enough water during hotter portions of the summer. Peas are a cool weather crop so if you get very hot summers in your zone, they may struggle during mid-summer. Soak seeds for 4hrs before planting. Direct sow seeds as they don't transplant very well. Matures in 70 days.
10+ seeds per pack