Latin Brassica napobrassica
Rutabagas are a too often overlooked garden staple. This versatile root is also called winter squash or Swedes. Interestingly, the origin of rutabaga is a cross between the turnip and cabbage. In the kitchen, rutabaga's can be eaten cooked or raw and bring a healthy option to any dish. They store very well and can last for months in the right conditions (cool and dry).
Growing Rutabaga from seed is very easy. Directly sow rutabaga seeds like you would your other root vegetables. Sow seeds 1/2" below surface and in rows (if doing multiple rows space them 2-3' apart). Once seedlings have grown to a height of 3", thin to 6-8" apart. This gives the roots enough room to develop. Water regularly throughout the season. Once the plants have been exposed to frost it is time to harvest. Matures in 95 days.
100+ Seeds Per Pack