Latin cymbopogon flexuosus
Lemon Grass is one of the most rewarding herbs to grow. It has intense lemon flavour that will add a pop to any dish. Great for oriental cooking. This variety is not perennial but delivers the most intense flavourings. It doesn't tolerate frost and loves warm moist climates.
Growing Lemon Grass from seed is moderately challenging but can be done indoors given the right conditions. The main things to consider are heat and moisture. Bottom heat is highly recommended as they require a consistent soil temperature that hovers around 21 degrees C. Germination can be erratic as some seeds will take up to 40 days to sprout. Use a plastic covering to conserve moisture and maintain high humidity. Keep soil moist throughout the germination period. Well drained soil is a must when growing lemon grass as they do not like constantly wet feet. We have had the best success growing it in containers with light growing mediums. Ensure that you harden off any seedlings that you plant outside.
10+ Seeds Per Pack