Latin Zinnia elegans
The lush and beautiful Lilliput Zinnias are also often called Pom Pom Zinnias for their stunning display of colourful single and double flowers. This is a wonderful addition to any flower garden and makes a perfect front row display. Growing only 12-18" tall make it a perfect statement flower for borders and planters alike. The Lilliput zinnia has been a garden favorite for years. This year, why not see why these have been popular for decades?
Growing zinnias from seed is very easy. Direct sowing into prepared beds is our recommended option but for those that want to get a head start they can also be started 4 weeks before last frost. Lightly cover in a gardening mixture and keep the soil moist throughout the germination period. Once nighttime temperatures are consistently above 10 degrees Celsius you can plant them into a full sun garden bed or planter. Zinnias do not benefit from being transplanted when temperatures are still on the cooler side. When watering throughout the summer, ensure that you do not water from above as zinnias are prone to powdery mildew.
30+ Seeds Per Pack