Latin Pastinaca sativa
Parsnip is an easy to grow and healthy addition to your heirloom garden. Bring some of these old world favourites back to life. The long, tender and sweet roots of parsnip can be enjoyed throughout the winter months and will quickly become a family favourite. The roots can be roasted, baked, fried or even eaten raw.
Grow parsnips in much the same manner as your carrots. Prior to growing prepare your garden so that your root vegetables have loose aerated soil. Remove any impediments to growth (rocks, clumps of soil etc.). Sow them in rows and space your seeds approximately 1" apart with a depth of 1/2". Water thoroughly and maintain moisture levels throughout the germination period. Parsnips are a little slower and can take up to three weeks to germinate. Once seedlings are 3" in height you can thin them to 3" apart. This will give them sufficient room to grow. Harvest parsnips late in the season (after frost) for best flavour.
100+ Seeds Per Pack