Latin Gypsophila elegans 'Covent Garden'
Covent Garden Baby's Breath is a beautiful and low maintenance addition to your garden. By summer time, your Baby's Breath plant will be covered in petite five-petaled flowers that are attractive both to our eyes and to many pollinators. Generally speaking, there is very little care required for Baby's Breath. If they begin looking leggy or unsightly they can easily be cut back for fresh re-growth. Baby's Breath doesn't like wet feet so ensure that they are planted in well draining soil. This plant is also very drought tolerant and requires very little added water except in times of extended drought. Great option for rock gardens or xeriscaping. As an added bonus Baby's Breath is great as a dried flower.
Growing Baby's Breath from seed is very easy. You can start early into a light soilless mixture but we recommend direct sowing as it is a fast growing and fast flowering plant. Once the danger of frost has passed (it's ok if there is a chance of light frost) sow directly into prepared beds. For an extra spectacular show, sow every 3 weeks until mid-July for a continuous supply of beautiful flowers. Baby's Breath is adaptable and can handle shade but does best in full sun.
100+ Seeds Per Pack